
Hi, digital friends or friends, I’m here to tell all of you about An Advanced platform for your cryptocurrency!

The platform is KRAGX Kragx here is a very unique platform, how can I not say it is not unique, while the feature of this platform itself is to provide money services very quickly, intelligently, and of course you can access it too.

Not only that, Kragx can also benefit you. With Kragx you can borrow, exchange cryptocurrencies. Kragx is the same as other platforms, where the Kragx Platform also has its own Toker, the name of the token is (KRX) where the price of each Token is KRX = 0.05 USD.

The Kragx platform is certainly very convincing for those of you who are now in the world of cryptocurrencies, because Kragx is also supported by Etherum.

What features are included in Kragx? There are benefits as well as solutions from Kragx for you. You don’t have to worry about Kragx. This is your advantage using this Kragx Platform!

Advantage Of Using Kragx

1. Borrow, lend cryptocurrency assets

2. Exchange cryptocurrencies, assets, decentralized applications and automated market makers.

1 TOKEN KRX = 0,05 USD


Starting Time

JAN 25, 2021 (MON 10:00 AM)

Endinge Time

FEB 25, 2021 (THU 12:00 PM)

Minimum purchase : $ 20 – $ 100
Total tokens sale 10,000,000 KRX
Acceptable Currency : BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP

Token Sale Proceeds

Original Blog Author : Sak Karepe
Bitcointalk Name : Sak Karepe
Bitcointalk Link Profile :

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